Google Chrome show address bar:
(Force Chrome to display the full address)
Step 1: Right-click in the address bar
Step 2: Click/Check, 'Always show full URLs'

Google Chrome address bar fix (via an offical extension):
(Force Chrome to display the full address)
(This disables the flag 'Omnibox UI Hide Steady-State URL Scheme')
(This disables the flag 'Omnibox UI Hide Steady-State URL Trivial Subdomains')
Step 1: Copy and paste "" in Chrome address bar
Step 2: Confirm the publisher is "" under the extension name.
Step 3: Press the 'Add to Chrome' button.
Step 4: If prompt, press 'Add extension' and you'll now see a little flag near menu button.

Google Chrome for Windows address bar fix (custom extension):
(Force Chrome to display the full address in Windows)
(This disables the flag 'Omnibox UI Hide Steady-State URL Scheme')
(This disables the flag 'Omnibox UI Hide Steady-State URL Trivial Subdomains')
(BE AWARE this is not the best option since it requires the use of developer mode.)
Step 1: Create "C:\Users\[User Profile]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\Custom Extensions\httpwwwfixv0"
Step 2: Create a text file in the folder from Step 1, copy and paste the following code from bracket to bracket. Save the file and completely rename it including the file extension to "manifest.json" which will be what causes this to work.

     "name": "Restore URL",
     "version": "1.0",
     "description": "Restores http and www in the omnibox",
 	"key": "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAowA8wOUQ8ShyITJ15B9rcJrnoolyo+OLj07g8QWBlEBikgszYwlbc88OIRL+dJOASok3yG6RQ60fvIjBrtNEk1yQZJfNwF/CN0jFrkE3HN3xVMoX0XIQPB93kDZARcfR5nwU3RUgwwWGTqt69KSSU8QzRRQJSEgM8GENa3OBhw1UBn/I/RbhaFcTykJSomo9j55goJwNzUhXTJk458DQ5diY+gWMadDXlDBa8cciCVlaGOjBV5ezmxnD6p1GXhrvyEKZP8IlreDJC2Nw9hxrT3GIo1FzbmeDPANKJ9pkY1H3LOVsGJDtytBpD/FRErlvfkJVqp3N5ifF2EQ8lOAHrQIDAQAB",
     "manifest_version": 2
Step 3: Make sure Chrome is closed then open Chrome and go to chrome://extensions/ in the Chrome address bar.
Step 4: Developer Mode must be activated (since this is a custom extension).
Step 5: Press "Load unpacked" button. Search for the new directory from Step 1 and select it.

You should now notice the address bar shows the full URL and nothing is hidden.

Microsoft Edge Legacy Side-By-Side for Windows 10:
(Enable Microsoft Edge Side by Side browser experience in Windows 10)
Step 1: Open/Run Regedit
Step 2: Go to following reg key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft"
Step 3: Now create a new key under Microsoft key and set its name as "EdgeUpdate"
Step 4: Select EdgeUpdate key and in right-side pane, right-click on empty area and select New -> DWORD (32-bit) Value option.
Step 5: Set the new DWORD name as "Allowsxs" and set its value to "1"
Step 6: Go to following reg key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate\ClientState\{56EB18F8-B008-4CBD-B6D2-8C97FE7E9062}" but if this key is missing skip step 6 and step 7 then go to step 8.
Step 7: Delete key value named, "BrowserReplacement"
Step 8: Download then install
Step 9: Restart the computer.
NOTE: The Microsoft Edge Legacy browser won't reactivate until after the next Edge update or install is ran.
NOTE: Microsoft Edge Legacy will go EOL after March 9th 2021 (

Microsoft Edge Chromium Remove Bing Button for Windows:
(Disable Microsoft Edge Chromium’s Bing Button in Windows)
(This adds the policy 'HubsSidebarEnabled')
Step 1: Open/Run Regedit
Step 2: Go to following reg key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft"
Step 3: Now create a new key under Microsoft key and set its name as "Edge"
Step 4: Select Edge key and in right-side pane, right-click on empty area and select New -> DWORD (32-bit) Value option.
Step 5: Set the new DWORD name as "HubsSidebarEnabled" and set its value to "0"
Step 6: Copy and paste "edge://policy" in Edge address bar
Step 7: Click, "Reload Policies" button
NOTE: Please reference,

Page intended to be seen in Chromium based web browser but mostly any browser supporting HTML5.
Page and coding allows for text to display wider than screen to see it in its intended format.
Last updated on
The latest update to this page references the newest offical release of Google Chrome v111.
The latest update to this page references the newest offical release of Microsoft Edge v111.